What Is Most Joy-giving
Nov 14th, 2014
What is most joy-giving to Me was creating Sahaja Yogis and listening to them and talking to them, the way they were so sweet and so kind and so respectful. All this has helped Me so much and I must thank you for that. With your support, with your help, with your understanding, I could achieve it. If I could achieve it on My own, I would never have asked for this help of yours. But you are just like My hands, you are just like My eyes and I need you very much because, without you, I cannot do it.
It’s like channelising. Unless and until you have channels, what’s the use of being the Adi Shakti or anything – how will you channelise it? If there’s electrical movement, you need channels; otherwise, it is a static thing. In the same way, I felt always that I needed more and more channels. And when it worked out, I was really, really in a very great spirit.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga, Sahasrara Puja, 2000