Bliss Is Everywhere
Nov 14th, 2014
This bliss then, you find everywhere. In a little thing also you find there is bliss. Zen taught that to people. They saw bliss in seeing only a moss, a little bit of moss. And you see the moss and you say, “Oh God, what a beautiful piece it is.” God has created a little moss and that moss has all the little, little tentacles and that bliss. But those who are vain people can never feel bliss. Vanity kills bliss. Ego kills bliss….
It is so beautiful. How many have got this bliss? Have sympathy for them, have compassion for them, those who do not have.
But bliss comes to you through your confidence in yourself. If you have no confidence in yourself, bliss cannot be. And the worst thing against confidence is [saying], “Then what should I do? Then how can I get it? Then why not I have?” It is the worst, you fighting yourself all the time. You are that, sitting on that and still if you are saying, “Why shouldn’t I have it?”
So what to answer? I mean, you just want to ask because you have to ask. It is there. Why are you asking? Just feel it. If that works out, that you feel where you are sitting, then you will be surprised that you are at peace with yourself and there is bliss.
Shri Mataji, 1985