The Knowledge of the Roots
Nov 14th, 2014
Now what you have seen here … I would say is the knowledge of the roots. In the West we have grown outside like a tree, but in the East people had time to find out the roots. As Indians had to learn a lot about science I think it’s important that all of us should know also about the science of the roots. A scientific mind has to be an open mind; it should not be a closed mind, which does not want to see the other side of it. If a hypothesis is put before a scientist he works it out and if it is proved correct he accepts it as laws. So the hypothesis is first to be listened to; then if it is proved that it is absolutely correct then we have to accept that there is a science of the roots.
 This is not a new science in India. Fourteen thousand years back somebody called Markandeya wrote about it. But it was not available to every person. We can say that it was a secret science. And was only bestowed upon very, very few people at that time. As we can see, the Tree of Life has few flowers to become fruits in those days, but today is the Blossom Time, where people are trying to find out something beyond. They sometimes see the futility of their lives and want to know what is beyond – that is of permanent nature. So there is no harm in turning to our saints and great prophets and great incarnations, who have talked about this knowledge.
It is mentioned in all the scriptures that “You have to be born again.†But that does not mean that you just put a certificate on your head saying, “I’m born again.†Nor to form a club of saying, “We are born again.†When you are born again, means if you have jumped into new awareness, into new dimension of awareness, you should be able to feel the all-pervading Power of Divine all round you. Minimum of minimum that should happen to you, because your nerves get new dimension. And when you get your Self-realization or your second birth, you become entitled to an awareness by which you can find out the roots of everything. You can find out the roots why people get sick, you can find out why there are incurable diseases, you can find out why there are psychological problems, you can find out why there are moral crisises, you can find out why there are political problems, why there are economic problems. Because the tree has grown too big and has paid no attention to its roots…
 That point is very simple – the truth is: you are the Spirit. You are not this body, not this ego, nor these conditionings, nor Austrians, nor Indians, but you are the Spirit. Above all that you are a human being, you are the Spirit.
Shri Mataji, Vienna, Austria, 12 October 1987