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Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja YogaThe following extract is from a talk given by the founder of Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi at Caxton Hall, London, in 1979.

I have known people who went so mad with the power of curing that they started visiting regularly the hospitals and they ended up in the hospital also. They would not even come to the programmes. They would not come and see Me. So this is one of the greatest hurdles of God, is the Vyadhi, is the bodily ailments. And the bodily ailments also should not keep you down too much. If you have some problem, forget it. Gradually you will improve. For some people it takes some time to get all right. But then the main thing is to get to your Spirit. So do not always say, “Mother, cure me, cure me, cure me.”

But just say, “Mother, keep me in the spiritual life.” You will be cured automatically.

It may take time with some people but you have been sick all your life. It does not matter if it takes a little more time, and also follow the methods, which we have told for the different diseases.


A daily journal in Bucharest, Jurnulu National, published on Easter Sunday an article on Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, based on the press release of the Romanian Sahaja Yoga Association on the occasion of Shri Mataji’s 85th birthday and of the premiere of the movie, Freedom and Liberation, in 22 towns all over Romania.
Cristina, Bucharest

An English translation of the article is provided below:


Raluca Grintescu

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga (“spontaneous yoga”), recognised as one of the most prominent spiritual personalities of all times, celebrates her 85th anniversary.

In a world seeking for new solutions to the problems facing the humanity, trying to reach to deeper meanings of life, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, recognised as the “Messenger of peace” by Ayatollah Rouhani of the Shia Muslim community in Europe and as an “Avatar of the modern era” by Claes Nobel, reveals us a path to the realisation of a more balanced society, in which transformation and peace will first occur within each individual.

EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Shri Mataji revealed the world the knowledge and practice of Sahaja Yoga (“spontaneous yoga”) since 1970. Sahaja Yoga meditation is based on the experience of Self Realisation, triggered in each human being through the awakening of the subtle divine energy called Kundalini. Self Realisation represents the final leap in the evolution of human consciousness, through which we acquire a new dimension, where the absolute truth can be perceived in our central nervous system.   As a result of this development of consciousness, the spiritual evolution takes place effortlessly, the individual regains their own sense of morality, the establishment of physical, mental and emotional balance leading to the integration of their being and personality. 

INCARNATION. For over 35 years Shri Mataji has been travelling tirelessly around the world. Beneath her quality of a Guru (spiritual master), Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is being recognised by her disciples as an Avatar, an incarnation of Adi Shakti (The Great Goddess, the Creator of the Universe) or, in Christian terms, as an incarnation of the Holy Spirit – which explains, according to Sahaja Yogis, how the founder of this method can grant “Self Realisation”. Sahaja Yoga meditation and balancing techniques are also being taught as part of specialised programs, in various institutions, hospitals,  rehabilitation centres, as a treatment against alcohol and drug addiction.

BIOGRAPHY. Nirmala Salve Srivastava (known as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi) was born in Chindawara (India) on March 21, 1923 to a Christian family. Her parents were direct descendants of the royal Shalivahana dynasty. Her father Prasad Rao Salve, a renowned scholar, master of 14 languages, translated the Koran in Marathi. He was a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi, the first Christian member of the Constituent Assembly of India and helped write free India’s first constitution. Her mother, Cornelia Salve, was the first woman in India to receive an Honors Degree in Mathematics.

Knowing Yourself

Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga

Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga

When you know yourself you are surprised that the greatest thing for you is to love and to be loved. You enjoy that collective love so much you absolutely overcome your baser self….

We human beings, so-called, are very selfish, self-centred and only worried about ourselves. That is what is said, but it’s surprising that with Self-realisation, with self-knowledge, with knowing yourself, you understand how rich you are within, how great you are within and how capable you are. This understanding comes to you and then that is expressed in such a beautiful manner….

When you know yourself, when you know what is reality and what is absolute truth, you just get dissolved into that knowledge. Of course, you are not knowledgeable in the way people are. You are knowledgeable in the real sense of the word because you realise what is within you is a big power of love. There’s a big power of understanding, a big power of oneness of the collective.

This collectivity works wonders and gives such joy that we are all one, we have no enemies, we have no problems. We are all one together. This joy was expressed by you is like the waves that go to the shores, touch the shores and come back, creating beautiful patterns. And I see that happening now, that these beautiful patterns are showing in your own life, in your lifestyle, in your behaviour….

There can be a diamond, very expensive, but it doesn’t know its value. There could be some dog or some animal which must be something par excellence, but he doesn’t know what he is. The same thing happens with human beings until they get their Self-realisation. And after realisation, they suddenly become aware of what they are and then suddenly they become very humble. They become very loving….

All this is because we have an innate value system, because we have inborn within us a great sense of love and compassion. This compassion has to be really understood and enjoyed and jump in the ocean of compassion – so beautiful. And you’ll be amazed that automatically you’ll swim, automatically you’ll meet other people also in the same ocean and – without any problems, without any troubles – all enjoying the bliss of this love, this compassion, this divine love.

Shri Mataji, 2000

Seeking Absolute Truth



The extract below is taken from the concluding remarks in a book written by Babamama, the beloved youngest brother of Shri Mataji, shortly before his death.

“Babamama” is an Indian title of respect, meaning “Mother’s brother”. His name is H. P. Salve, and he was a practising Chartered Accountant in Nagpur, India.

In this millenium Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has taken birth to save the drowning humanity and to save from destruction. It is remarkable how single handed she is doing this remarkable work all over the world. She has silenced our mind, it was reacting but now it has become nirvichara [thoughtlessly aware]. Like me thousands have learnt to live in the present which is the reality. Now I have no doubts about the power of Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga. I don’t have to give up my family and relatives though they are all very slow in understanding the subtleties of Sahaja Yoga. I did not have to give up my profession and run away to some far-fetched corner of the Himalayas. Living in this world I established myself in this state. My own spirit came into my attention and enlightened me. I became absolutely detached. I found the Sahaja Yogis all over the world respecting me as I was respecting them.

I know it is hard to understand how so many of us in Sahaja all over the world are living together in this unique harmony. Only one desire haunts me, how to bring Sahaja Yoga to so many others who are lost but who are seeking pure love and Absolute Truth. This is the last chance of our evolution to enter into a new human race of enlightened personalities.

Babamama.  MY Memoirs.  New Delhi: Life Eternal Trust, 2000.

Shri Mataji, Easter 1988Christ’s message of love and forgiveness is the same even today, preached by all – all the saints, all the incarnations, all the prophets. They all have said about love and forgiveness. If it was challenged or people felt that this won’t work out, they were asked to have faith in what was said.
Shri Mataji, 1996

If you love a person, you do forgive. You don’t feel bad. Not to forgive is dificult, but to forgive is the best. At least when you forgive, there is no headache for you.

So this love, which is joy … when this love melts and flows like a river and gives nourishment to all the surrounding trees on the shores, that is the time. It is the completion of the individuality or a personality of that love. And that’s the time it feels fulfilled. It’s not just that you have a light in the corner, but it has to flow, it has to move, it has to flourish. Love is not something dead like a stone. When it melts, it encompasses everything and everything becomes very beautiful with that.

So you have to first understand that life is for giving joy to others because you are now saints and your light has to give joy.
Shri Mataji, 1991

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