Shri Mataji
The first time I saw Shri Mataji was at a rare programme in Chicago in 1994 in a huge lovely hall at one of the hotels. It was just a few months after my Self Realisation.
We had driven for several hours and through the whole trip piles of questions filled my head, but the joy of reaching there and watching Shri Mataji walk in the hall in person swept all those questions away. She spoke persuasively as She always does. I wished with all my heart for my Self Realisation, as if it were for the first time. After the guests had received their Realisation, those few of us from the Mid West sang for Her as best we could. She looked at us and it was much easier to sing than ever before.
She asked to see us by city. My city’s collective, Cincinatti, pushed me to the front because I was the newest one. I felt so awkward and shy to kneel on the white cloth and come close to Shri Mataji. I was surprised by the textures of Her face which I could see so clearly in bright stage lights. I must have thought from the photographs that She was made of mist and stars. She took my hands on Her lap and looked into them and gazed a long time. I felt She was looking down, down into every speck of me, down and through to other times and places I could not know.
“Very good,” She said, and that was all…
What I learned that amazing evening was how much She cared for every one of us, but also that we have to ask for Her help. Many of the questions I had come with worked themselves out in time, but even the questions I hadn’t been able to ask myself were answered. When Shri Mataji looked at my hands I knew that She understood everything completely and I learned in that moment that I had finally come home.
Elizabeth Singh
Eternally Inspiring Recollections of Our Holy Mother. Volume 5 – The Americas. Pune, India: Nirmal Transformations, 2007.
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Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, will be 85 years old on the 21st March, 2008. To celebrate this important occasion, there will be screenings throughout the world of an inspiring new film about her amazing life.
Nirmala Devi, Freedom and Liberation tells of Shri Mataji’s early days as a child growing up in a wealthy family in India, her days as a youth leader in Mahatama Gandhi’s Freedom movement, her time as wife, mother and grandmother, her development of a unique method for giving realisation and her founding of Sahaja Yoga.
Since 1970 Shri Mataji has travelled the world continuously, talking to people and giving realisation. Even now, she still travels to meet with Sahaja yogis from all over the world. Â
The documentary film, made in Germany, was directed by Carolin Dassel. Combining beautiful music, archival material and interviews with key people, the film provides profound insights into the life and work of Shri Mataji.
For more information about the film, including previews, follow the link:
Information about screening venues and times in Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, New Zealand and Romania can be found here:
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The truth is that we are part and parcel of the whole and the spirit is the one which is the collective being. That means it connects you with everyone. When, in your awareness, in concsiousness, you become the spirit, you feel the spirit of another person and this spirit is the power behind this love. This spirit, once you feel it, you never change your ideas. In this spirit, you see the truth, you see the beauty of another person, you enjoy the love of another person. And this truth – that you are part and parcel of the whole – fills you up with tremendous security…. But I have to just tell you very lovingly and with great request that you have to just enter into that and you will see that reality is the most beautiful thing that gives you all the security that you want.
Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga, 1984
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Dewdrops gleaming in the early sun
Lighten the way to the dawn’s fair morn,
Beckoning the wayfarer to greet the day.
In such a way the Divine essence
Encapsulates our hearts’ yearning,
The desire to be One with the essential part of God.
As the sun’s warmth and energy make light of the morning dew,
In the same way our yearning prepares the way
For the blossoming of the Spirit,
The ability to be One with the Whole.
Drop after drop, the Essence of the Divine water
Becomes the totality, the One-ness of God.
We are drenched with the Love and the Bliss and the Joy
Of the Amrut that flows from the Divine Being.
Marina Oldham
(Photograph: Vishnu Bonneau)
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What is most joy-giving to Me was creating Sahaja Yogis and listening to them and talking to them, the way they were so sweet and so kind and so respectful. All this has helped Me so much and I must thank you for that. With your support, with your help, with your understanding, I could achieve it. If I could achieve it on My own, I would never have asked for this help of yours. But you are just like My hands, you are just like My eyes and I need you very much because, without you, I cannot do it.
It’s like channelising. Unless and until you have channels, what’s the use of being the Adi Shakti or anything – how will you channelise it? If there’s electrical movement, you need channels; otherwise, it is a static thing. In the same way, I felt always that I needed more and more channels. And when it worked out, I was really, really in a very great spirit.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga, Sahasrara Puja, 2000
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