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While I was in India at Shri Mataji’s Birthday celebrations the New Zealand collective graciously invited me to attend the North of the North Island, New Zealand Sahaja YogaTour.

Upon my return to Australia I prayed with all my heart to remove any family and financial obstacles that came my way. To my amazement everything flowed so well. It was like playing a game of Patience, sitting on the fence, waiting for the right time to act on my desires. I had no doubts in my heart.

A few obstacles appeared but I was determined to go, as I felt it was my duty and responsibility to go. For so long I had desired to go deeper, to devote myself to face myself, to face my family, the Maori people and to help work out the collective issues in New Zealand and enjoy giving realisation to as many people as possible.

When I arrived in New Zealand a sweet yogini, Shirley, offered me a ride to Ahipara some 4-5 hours away, to meet up with the collective. Just north of Auckland, we had car problems, and unfortunately Shirley and her car were destined to return to Auckland for repairs. There was no way I was going to miss out on the Tour; so I made my own arrangements. I rang and asked my father to meet me half-way. So I caught a ride to Whangarei, 2 hours away, on a huge freight truck. The truck driver was the sweetest Maori man. We had much to talk about, and travel time went so quickly. We met my father and his new wife, Belle, and then drove to Kohukohu, another 2 hours away.

So many phenomenal experiences happened in “Aotearoa” which means “The Land of the Long White Cloud”. On 25 April, we toured 90 mile beach on a 4 wheel drive bus, the journey so beautiful, so mystical, full of so much joy, being with the collective and learning so much of the local history. The landscape is so lush, an abundance of colours of greenery. It is unbelievable how in the North the most barren land of sand has been transformed into a man-made pine forest which creates work for locals as well as income for the government and local iwi ( family) trusts. This in return is a never-ending cycle of life, as well as an eye-opener for the tourists. There is so much to see, including the wild horse population. This was one of the longest days of my life, in slow motion. Time was truly of the essence, so omnipresent.

The highlight of the day was visiting Cape Reinga which has great historic and spiritual significance in Maori mythology. It is known as “Te Rerenga Wairua” – the departure of spirits – where the spirits of the dead are believed to leap off the headland and climb down the roots of the 800-year-old pohutakawa tree, and descend into the underworld to return to their traditional homeland of Hawaiki ( the heavens).

As you walk down the path to the light house, look to your right and you can see this sacred place, this tree, growing on the cliff edge. Looking to the left you see the beautiful views of the ocean – being Anzac Day this was special as well. This is where the Tasman Sea meets the Pacific Ocean. The waves cross paths and integrate into one grand ocean.

A few of us paid our respects, by taking time to sit, to pray for all the spirits to take their rebirth. Many ventured on to the lighthouse for photos, and Denis so humbly sat on the top of the hill, giving realisation to 2 young European women. We travelled on, having fun on the sand dunes and cruising down the beach in style. We celebrated back at camp with a barbeque feast.

The following day, we moved on to Coopers Beach, for our next program. A few of us chatted about how New Zealand, with all its glory, is so beautiful in nature, and the people, too, are in tune with nature. The peace is all around them. No wonder many have no desire to look inside.

We camped at Bay of Islands, near Pahia, for 2 nights. What a heavenly place, surrounded by water, and hills! I had a strong pull to go to Waitangi; so Uncle Upendra and I went. When we arrived we were greeted by this angelic being called Dollarina. She was literally waiting to for us to receive Mother’s Love. She had just returned to work after having a major operation. She was frail, yet enthusiastically she opened her heart to realisation in Maori and attended our program in Kerikeri that evening.

I chose to do the full tour with a guide to learn the history and receive a copy of the original Treaty. For those who don’t know about the Treaty of Waitangi, it was signed in 1840 as an agreement between the British Crown and Maori. It established law and order in New Zealand while guaranteeing Maori authority over the land and culture. The treaty protected Maori land in exchange for British sovereignty.

Waitangi Day is a National holiday in New Zealand. A dawn ceremony is celebrated annually on the 26 February at “The Treaty Grounds” where the government and Maori people unite in prayer, where sacred and meaningful discussions are held.

Firstly we were shown the Maori war canoe, built in 1940, which is used during Waitangi Day celebrations. We moved on to the Treaty Grounds where we learned about the Treaty, where questions from tourists were answered by our guide. There are 3 flags flying high at the mast to mark the actual place of the signing by the representative chiefs and the Crown.

We entered the meeting house, a place of learning. To Maori, this house is a reflection of the woman’s body. Entering the house you enter the womb. Inside you see carvings of all the tribes of the people throughout Aotearoa. You can see the rib cage, which means the women are the backbone of the people. There are three main poles: the pou mauri (the memory pole); the pou tokomanawa (the heart pole); and the poukaitiaki (the pole of protection or the protector of the people). I quietly admired many of the carvings. The carvings of the tongue signify the Maori language as being a verbal language, a sweet language. Finally, I returned to the mast, at the “Four Directions of the Wind”. Here I sat in meditation for a short time.

Wow! What a precious moment! I left full of Mother’s blessings, so honoured and forever grateful, so content to know Mother has vibrated this land forever, and forever this will make a difference in the future of Aotearoa.

On our return to Whangarei, so many overwhelmingly wonderful personal events happened for me, holistically. The wounds of my family’s past are deep for my siblings, but I have been graciously blessed with Mother’s Love and forgiveness. New relationships with my father and my grandmother have been established with much dignity.

Roger desired so much for his mother’s carer (an extremely hardworking Maori woman with such a huge heart) to attend the program. So he took me to meet her. We managed to talk her and her niece into attending the program at Tikipunga.

During the program the heavens opened. As the library had a glass ceiling, we witnessed Shri Vishnumaya (Goddess of Lightning) in full display, clearing Whangarei. Roger opened the program with such confidence. I was asked to give realisation. As I stood, my family arrived – Grandma, Belle, and Dad – amidst the raging storm. To my own surprise this brave warrioress, confronted with her family, proudly spoke with an open heart about Sahaja Yoga. What a divine gift to give my father his realisation at a public program! Afterwards I witnessed him, struggling vibrationally, but he never took his eyes off Shri Mataji’s photograph.

This journey was so deep and meaningful for me, to make me stronger than the memories and strive forth as a Soldier of Love. The amazement of my growth is supreme. My connection with Aotearoa is as strong as my connection to Mother. When I was there, I felt like I had never left, and now that I am here, I feel I am there. I am neither here nor there; I am the spirit, forever omnipresent, with Mother in my heart.

Many thanks to Shri Mataji for having this tour in her absolute attention. To Uncle Upendra, thank you for the joyous laughter, your wisdom, your sweet innocence. To Uncle Dave, thanks for sharing your dynamic influence of Joy. To Aunty Trish and Julie, you truly are saints. To Akhila, you are a blessing from above, a true angel. To Roger, my Kamo brother, you are the best! To all the New Zealand collective, thank you for your generosity of Love.

Arohanunui (an abundance of Love)

Merenia Ashwell

(Photograph: earthobservatory.nasa.gov)

Ready for Transformation


During an early visit to New Zealand, Shri Mataji was interviewed live by a well-known radio personality who had a reputation for cynicism and aggression. The exchange began with some hard-hitting questions about religion, the world situation and other contentious subjects. Shri Mataji answered with Her usual relaxed aplomb.

Health became the topic and the interviewer admitted that he was diabetic. Shri Mataji talked about the causes of diabetes and the way in which it can be overcome through Self Realisation, which She explained. As the interview progressed, the interviewer became more sympathetic and positive.

‘Are you a Messiah? A prophet?’ he eventually asked. Shri Mataji didn’t reply and suddenly the interviewer started saying, ‘I can feel this coolness on my hands! When I bring them together it feels as if I’m holding a ball of cool wind!’ He explained how, at the beginning of the interview he was very sceptical, ‘but now I can feel it.’

The workers at the radio station couldn’t believe what they were hearing. What the interviewer was saying was so out of character. They crowded around the studio window to watch and listen.

Later the interviewer said he could feel the coolness in his head.

‘What about everybody else?’ he asked.

‘They can get it too,’ said Shri Mataji. ‘Just tell them to put their hands out to the radio and they will get it.’

That evening Shri Mataji told us that although the interviewer had a bad reputation, underneath he was quite humble, and so was ready for his transformation.

‘That is why he felt it so strongly,’ She said.

The radio programme prompted a number of newspaper articles, all very respectful of Shri Mataji and very positive about Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji has told this story many times around the world.

Brian Bell

From: Eternally Inspiring Recollections of Our Holy Mother. Volume 4 – Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia. Pune, India: Nirmal Transformation, 2007.

Softly, gently, our Spirit guides us.
If we allow its holy intent,
We learn to surrender to the great Will
That may appear as a figment
Of the mind, a whisper of Joy to come.

Once we surrender, we learn to treasure
The knowledge that we are One
With the Great Essence, the Great Divine.
With pure hearts, we learn to shun
The earthly pleasures that lead astray.

Peace and joy and contentment are the prize
For those who allow their faith to grow.
Bliss and love eternal are the bounty
Of the Divine Communion
With those on Earth below.

Marina Oldham

(Photograph: wikimediacommons)

Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji

… we think that if we love each other, if we love Mother, that is the end of everything. It’s not true, also, because you see, your love for Me is there, no doubt, and it should be intense, it should be deeper, but the deeper you go into that love, then you will be surprised how you receive a special quality of correcting the things that are wrong around you. Gradually that quality improves.

 For example, a Sahaja yogi goes to anybody’s house, that house must become auspicious. But such a Sahaja yogi must have a good heart. If the heart is not good, in the heart there is still anger, passion, lust, greed, then such a heart won’t affect. But a person who has purified himself, if he goes into any family, any household, any society, the whole change will take place. The circumstances will change. Things that do not work out will start working out immediately.

Like they said: “Mother, as soon as you sent from this Sunday, everything started working out, as far as the television is concerned and radio is concerned.” I didn’t do anything – in a way! But that should happen with you also.

Shri Mataji, 1987

The Power of Meditation

Winter in PolandMore than 10 years ago in Poland we had a very troublesome person among politicians. He was trying to trouble all the political and economical issues in our country just to show his own potency. He somehow got coal miners on his side, and one day they threatened the whole country that coal miners would go on strike. They were even ready to stop distributing the coal already mined. It was a cold season; so without coal the whole country would really suffer.

Everyone was worrying because the threat was so real that they had even planned how to evacuate hospitals and other such facilities because it was said that the strike would not end until the government agreed with this man. The beginning of the general strike was marked for Thursday, and in Warsaw we have our Sahaj programs on Wednesdays.

So on Wednesday – the day before the strike – we celebrated a beautiful meditation upon Shri Adi Guru, thinking that as He is the Ocean, so He can spread His gentle and loving waves of peace all over Poland. And He did! We said mantras. We asked for sending peace all over. We really prayed for peace in the hearts and minds of Polish coal miners and all other people who were seeking the turmoil. And we meditated. And all this worked!

Next day the strike started two or three hours later than it was supposed to start and lasted only one hour. And then when the television interviewers spoke with some of the strikers they said they didn’t know why they had wanted to make this strike. It seemed they had lost interest in it. They not only didn’t want to strike, they also didn’t understand why they had wanted it, why they thought it was necessary. And nobody understood what had happened. This troublesome politician just lost his grip over these people. God’s peace entered into their hearts.

Needless to say, we were also a little bit surprised by the outcome of our humble meditation.
Hania Turczyn-Zalewska

(Photograph: villagreta.pl)

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