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Patience is the nature of Shri MatajiAs people start becoming collective, they do not bother others, they do not trouble others, but they give joy to others. They are not bothered about their going and coming, their eating and everything. They just don’t behave like mundane, usual type of people, but they are very patient – saburi, as they call it. They are in the patience.

Now this patience is most joy-giving. Patience gives you the greatest joy. When you are patient, you develop all your qualities. I think in patience you blossom the best. But patience is not just to be patient. Patience is also a kind of a state within us. With just this patience … you just watch and see. Wherever you are, you are.

Now some people are worried that they must get into the bus. Some people are worried they must reach back home. Some people are worried they must get their food in time. According to them this is discipline. This is not. This is conditioning. But what is the discipline is of patience in Sahaja Yoga, where you watch everything and you are patient. If you are in the bus, you are there. If you are standing on the road, you are there. If you are walking on the road, you are there. On the contrary, it is a good idea to walk…. It’s a very good idea. Leisurely you can walk … to feel that, “I have to walk. I have to go there.” Once you start thinking you get exhausted sitting here, even if you have not walked. So it is important that patience should be made the discipline of life….

Patience is my quality. It’s my nature which I enjoy most of all…. If I lost my way, I enjoy it because I am there to enjoy myself.

Shri Mataji, 1988

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

First of all, He was born in a manger. To be born in a manger means in a poor circumstance. That means He showed there’s no need to have money or there’s no need to have a huge, big properties or anything to be impressive on people. Those were the days where people respected the tapasyis, the ones who were doing tapasya [penance]. That was the time to do tapasya.

So He came on this Earth and lived like a tapasyi. On the contrary, the Christians are the most self-indulgent people you can think of. You go to any Christian nation, you’ll be amazed how they are just slaves of money and their watches. How they are living – it’s very shocking to see they are following Christ. “Yes, we follow Christ.” Then follow means what? He’s there and you are standing backwards moving. Is that the following?

So, today we are talking about Christ. He’s sitting in a position of Agnya Chakra controlling pineal and pituitary. By that, He controls our conditioning. If we follow Him, then we cannot be conditioned by anything because He talked of Spirit only. Spirit cannot be conditioned, conditioned by anything. Whatever is good, that will be accepted, good, congenial to the Spirit.

… you see Christ talking to people, giving them different ways of explanation, what happens after Realisation, how a seed is sprouted and how it can get spoiled, and very beautifully He explained to people.

Actually, we have to understand that Christ never started any exclusive religion. Never. None of them. Specially Mohammed Sahib has talked about Abraham. He’s talked about Moses. He’s talked about Christ and His Mother much more than in the Bible respected Her.

His life was so charming and so beautiful. Like a shooting star, He came on this Earth, but left such a remarkable impression on people. His crucifixion was a part of the game because He had to make the way in the Agnya Chakra. To cross the Agnya Chakra, He was crucified. But His message is not crucifixion. People wear the cross and I feel very hurt about it… But that’s not the message. That’s not [what] you should celebrate, that He was crucified. There are people who celebrate it.

You have to celebrate His Resurrection, because human beings are to be resurrected. In Sahaja Yoga nobody’s crucified and is resurrected because of one crucifixion of Christ. That was enough. That was sufficient. You can’t carry the cross on your shoulder. Don’t have to. He’s carried for you. He’s done everything for you. He said also that He died for all the sinners. It’s a fact. If He had not done that, it would have been difficult to open your Agnyas because two problems, I told you, this conditioning and ego.

Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga, 1996



The Paramchaitanya, this all-pervading power of divine love, flows through you because you are pure…

Purity of temperament, purity of love, what does that mean? – that you love somebody because that person has got spirituality. You love that person because there is purity and you go to places just to spread the purity among people. A pure person will never create a problem…

The character of a yogi is to worship the purity of your own and the purity of others… For a Sahaja Yogi, what he has to do is to understand the powers of love. The powers of love, if you can understand, they will grow within you. Some people have. Some people don’t have. Try to understand.

This Paramchaitanya is nothing but the power of God’s love – or you can say Mother’s love. This power works so beautifully, in such a secret manner that you call it as a miracle because you can’t see how it has worked out.

So the first and foremost thing is to try to develop the sense of love within you… Pure love can be very easily understood, that it gives you joy, that it helps others to improve. It works in a very subtle manner.

Now try to remember when you came to Sahaja Yoga. Try to remember how you got your Realisation. Try to remember how you started growing. These are like the seeds within us of love which sprouted.

Slowly and gradually, we’ve started the showers of the blessings of love. Then we’ve started enjoying it and understanding it.

Shri Mataji, Guru Puja, 2001

More information about Paramchaitanya can be be found at the following link:



Shri Durga, the Devi

Shri Durga, the Devi

In Sahaja Yoga, Navaratri is the most important puja [celebration]. Though we can say in modern Sahaja Yoga, Sahasrara Day is, because that’s how you started getting your Realisation. But if you go to the whole historical events of evolution you’ll find Navaratri is the one which has brought you to Sahasrara. Without the help of the Devi [Goddess] at different stages of your ascent, you could not have been in a position to receive your Realisation. So all the steps that you took in the past are today worshipped and are used for thanking the Devi for what She did to bring you down. So it’s like a thanksgiving. Without Her work nothing could have happened.

So when we read about the Devi, about Her incarnations, how She came on this earth to save Her bhaktas [devotees], people who are trying to ascend, to cross this Bhavasagara [Void], how She worked hard, how She fought the devils, how She fought, She killed the demons single-handed, She took upon Herself the responsibility of making the people cross the Bhavasagara. Guru gave you the strength, taught dharma [right conduct], but She’s the one who brought you out. Even those who were dharmic could not do it because of the demonic pressure. She’s the one who fought single-handed with Her powers of destruction. In Her love for you She fought. She brought you to this level. And then She took a milder form of incarnation. Even during the time of all the gurus She took the form of, as you know, Janaki, was the daughter of Janaka. Then Fatima was the daughter of Mohammed Sahib and Nanaki was the sister of Nanaka. In those forms, these Powers sustained and nourished the Guru Tattwa and later on or sometimes simultaneously they incarnated in milder forms to help human beings to rise.

So today is the day of thanksgiving. As Guru Puja is a day of thanksgiving to your Guru, the One who has counselled you, the One who has told you about the truth, the One who has taught you the truth and has given you Realisation. And the Devi Puja is a thanksgiving where single-handed, just like a very loving mother, under Her sari She’s protected you, fought for you, fought with every enemy that is around, every sort of problems that existed and ultimately brought into Sahasrara level and then gave you Realisation. It’s a real thanksgiving to the Mother. So we can say Navaratri’s like a Mother’s Day where you give thanksgiving to Her, which was just relentless, continuous working for Her children.

Shri Mataji, 1985


One day in London, in one of the countless sessions that she granted so benevolently, Shri Mataji was working on a Sahaja Yogi and there was a blockage on the finger corresponding to the right side of the throat chakra. We were sitting around him, all feeling the same pressure in our corresponding finger. Shri Mataji told him: “Your father must be down with a bad dose of bronchitis.” At the end of the session, somewhat intrigued, our friend picked up the telephone and called home to Scotland. His mother came to the telephone and told him, word for word: “Your father cannot come to the phone; he is in bed with a bad dose of bronchitis.”

Sahaja Yogis are those who have entered collective consciousness. They are sensitive to the condition of other people, in ways mostly closed to the rest of us. In this particular case, the young man was feeling in his own system the impact of the condition of his father, hundreds of miles away. The advantage in Sahaja Yoga is that we also learn how to free our chakras from such interferences. Medical science has not yet reached the level where it can register such psychosomatic phenomena but that does not mean such phenomena do not exist.

Gregoire de Kalbermatten, The Third Advent. Camberwell: Viking, 2003, p. 177-8.

(Photograph: www.sahajayoga.ch)

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