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Realisation in Newcastle

A realisation session will be held at the Civic Park in Newcastle, New South Wales. Everyone is invited to come along, receive Self-realisation and experience the bliss of true meditation. 
Date: Saturday 6 June 2009

Time: 9:00am to 6:00pm 
By train, come to Civic Station. Exit toward Civic Park using the overbridge.

Bring a hat to save yourself from sunburn.

We hope to see you there!

Theatre of Eternal Values production                                                                                                           William William Blake is recognised in Sahaja Yoga as a great realised soul. It is very fitting, then, that a very talented theatre group made up of Sahaja yogis was involved in developing and presenting a play about William Blake, to celebrate the 250th Anniversary of William Blake’s birth.

From November 20 to December 2, 2007, the international theatre company, Theatre of Eternal Values, performed William Blake’s Divine Humanity at the New Players Theatre in London, UK, in the very heart of the country where Blake took his birth – and a stone’s throw away from Fountain Court near the Strand where he spent the last years of his life.

The press wrote:

“With Blake’s beautiful words and the supple and constrained movements of the cast, the Theatre of Eternal Values enact a series of tableaux based on Blake’s etchings, as well as using his work to elaborate on the poet’s life. This piece is a loving and sophisticated work created to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Blake’s birth.”
UK Theatre. Net – December 2007
Sara-Mae Tuson

“It was always going to be a theatrical challenge, as writer Tim Bruce says of attempting to do justice to the complexity of Blake’s works, and the Theatre of Eternal Values rose beautifully to it, presenting a wonderfully lyrical production of William Blake’s Divine Humanity.

“The beautiful voice and narration of The Bard set a quiet, centred, yet dramatic tone to the play, and gave it an unhurried meditative quality, in which Blake’s visionary message was brought alive. The performance drew the audience in from the beginning, and invited reflection on Blake as a mystic poet, and on how relevant his work still is, 250 years later. The fact that this play is being performed in the heart of London, the city in which Blake spent his life, and one that embodies many of the materialistic capitalist values Blake spoke out against through his work, makes it all the more relevant.”
Extra Extra – November 2007
Marion Drew

This is the first time that Blake’s prophetic books have been performed on stage. Here the story of Jerusalem is set against the background of Blake’s masterly engravings from The Book of Job and interspersed with key moments in Blake’s life, incorporating original music and contemporary dance.

The play has evolved over one and a half years in a series of collective workshops in Cabella (Italy), London (UK), Vienna (Austria) and Everbeek (Belgium) and is the culmination of the creative talents of many people from twelve countries: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, India, Italy, Spain, UK.

It will be possible to see a live performance of William Blake’s Divine Humanity in various countries in 2008 or to purchase a DVD (estimated release date: May 2008).

Log on to the Theatre of Eternal Values website regularly (http://www.theatreofeternalvalues.com), and check the News section to find out more information.

(Photograph: http://www.theatreofeternalvalues.com)

The first new people’s seminars for some time were held at Burwood in Sydney on 20 April 2008, and were a wonderful success and our largest seminar held, with over 130 new people attending.

An introductory program was held in the main meditation room. During the morning sessions Sahaja Music was performed, mainly comprising Bhajans which was greatly appreciated. Having live music played on the day helps to communicate the joy that is such an integral part of Sahaja Yoga.

The initial session was an introductory program with a video talk by Shri Mataji and guided self-realisation. Following morning tea everyone was given a deeper introduction into the clearing process using mantras. Everyone was impressed to see the different clearing aspects of Sahaja Yoga presented. This was followed by a guided meditation. This led into a presentation by Dr Ramesh Monocha of some of the scientific research that has been conducted into Sahaja Yoga meditation, linking mental silence as the authentic meditative experience that should be pursued.

Following lunch there was a very good session about how to go deeper in our meditation, foot-soaking, and discussions of the reasons we are all embarking upon the path of meditation using the tools of vibratory awareness. People attending commented that they enjoyed learning about the different aspects of Sahaja Yoga which were presented.

Thanks to the Seminar Workshop team who worked tirelessly to organise a fantastic day for the seekers. Well done. 

What better way to end this report than to hear the feedback of the seekers themselves provided via feedback forms:

It was the most wonderful experience, which I had left behind due to some personal commitments. I feel great, rejuvenated and as a person. It is such a beautiful feeling to see all the yogis working with such dedication with beautiful smiles. Many thanks to all. (Bina)

In this age of commercialisation and business orientated activities, I am delighted to see such activities being done on a volunteer basis and no cost to the participants. This speaks a lot of the true intentions of the organisers, who are there to really the community. Keep it up! (Yan)

40 years ago, doctors and others tried to help my emotional problem and mental health problems. Told, ‘this guy can’t meditate’, I’ve tried ever since. Only now, with Sahaja Yoga I’ve succeeded, at 64 years of age. Thank you. (Mike)

Well run, lovely atmosphere and a beautiful place to be. Food was very tasty, just right amounts. Everyone was very friendly and helpful. I would like to attend any workshops on the affirmations and will be attending lunch meetings in the city, plus meetings in Paddington and western suburbs when possible. (Alan)

This workshop was extremely helpful and useful. I learnt a lot more about Sahaja Meditation and how to interpret the sensations on my fingers. Would love to know always about these workshops. You have my email. (Fay)

The experience was very informative and well rounded. I especially appreciated the medical talk. Thank you. (Deborah)

I enjoyed the day very much. I went away feeling very peaceful and better informed. I listen to the (Sahaja Yoga meditation) Radio program which is very important for those who can’t make it here. Thank you to all, much appreciated. (Suzanne)

The seminar about Sahaja’s scientific side was very useful! The last session of the day was an excellent explanation of the mantras. (Peter)

Well organised, full of smiling faces. Relaxed environment, teachers well prepared. Touch of love for my experiential life, energy all around. (Carlos)

Good meditation instruction. Scientific info most enlightening and useful. Will come again! (Ian)

Fantastic. Thanks! (Cassandra)

Balancing Ourselves

Pink frangipanni

Pink frangipanni

But the spirit itself is a sensitive thing. It is there, no doubt. It stays there, no doubt. But that it should shine in our attention, you have to know that your attention has to be congenial to the spirit. If the attention is not congenial, then the spirit doesn’t shine. The spirit will shine on an attention which is steady. Steady it. By balancing, you bring a steady state. Balance your thoughts.  Balance your eyes. Balance your desires. Try to balance it. Ego and super-ego – you balance it. Attention is balanced very much like that.

Now how do you do it? With your will. First of all, you desire and then you act. “Where am I going? What am I doing? I am a seeker. Is this the thing I have to do as a seeker?” Immediately the balance is there.

So this balancing has to come. The foremost thing is to balance yourself. Any extreme behaviour must be balanced. Any extreme attitude to life must be brought down.

Now here we find that the will acts, opposed in an opposite direction. For example, people become obstinate. They do not want to accept that we have to balance and they say, “Oh, I’m all right,” and they will give all explanations to show that they’re all right. For whom are you giving the explanations? You are fighting with yourself. Why? Because you are not yet integrated fully within yourself…

Integration comes in when you do something, you wish something, you enjoy something, you want something. Then you find integration is also wobbly in your attention. But if you want your spirit, you just want your spirit to be happy because if the spirit is happy it means you’re happy. The spirit is always happy. How are you going to make the spirit happy?

The only thing when you say you want the spirit to be happy, what you are saying is this: that you want your attention to be happy. If you keep your attention happy and cheerful, completely integrated with your being, not with your ego, this is where the discretion has to be used…

So with discretion, you will know how to correct yourself, even rationally.

Now your rationality is absolutely logical. Before this, rationality was illogical. But now, with integration, your rationality becomes logical and it tells you, “No, this is wrong; this cannot be.”

Shri Mataji, 1980

Shri Mataji’s Birthday


Shri Mataji’s 85th Birthday will be held at Easter time on Good Friday (21 March 2008) at Her birthplace, Chindwara, in Central India.

The picture shows the house in Chindawara in which Sri Mataji was born. The house has been purchased by Sahaja Yogis and is now being lovingly restored.

 Shri Mataji is very humble about Her birthday. In 1997 She said:

“I will be very happy to celebrate your birthday than to celebrate Mine. So, may God bless you.”

 Lori Wills, a Sahaja Yogi from Vancouver, Canada, had some special thoughts about Shri Mataji’s 85th birthday:

“Somehow I had the urge to check the calendar to see when Easter is this year. Can you imagine? Good Friday is March 21st!

Also, we had just learnt that Shri Mataji’s 85th birthday celebration and Puja will be held at Her birthplace in Chindwara, in Central India. That weekend will then be, according to Christian beliefs, Good Friday, symbolising the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and Easter Sunday, symbolising His resurrection. So we will celebrate HER 85th birthday in HER birthplace on Easter weekend! Is this a Divine coincidence? The combination of these events will certainly make for global celebration at many levels.”

(Photograph: www.sahajayoga.at)

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