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The Power of a Child


In 2005 we had a Sahaja Yogi family as a neighbour. At that time their daughter was in second class, around seven years old. One day she told us that her teacher asked the children how they pray to God. Then the child said that we have an energy inside us which loves us very much, and if we pray to that energy that will give all of us lots of love. Then the teacher asked her to pray.

Then she made all the children take off their shoes, open their hands, close their eyes and pray to Mother Kundalini, for Her to give all of us the love of God and make us good children. Then she asked the other children to check above their heads, and many of them felt vibrations.

There was a child in her class who had met with an accident. So she told all of them that if we pray for him to Mother [Shri Mataji], She will cure him. So then again all the  children prayed for this child to help him cure faster.

She told us this experience and we were so amazed, and she was hardly seven years old at that time. The “kidshakti” [power of children] is really spontaneous, and they all are great souls of this universe incarnating on this earth for doing the work of Shri Adi Shakti, the Almighty Creator of this universe.

Summeer and Shilpa

Depiction of the raising of the Kundalini

Depiction of the raising of the Kundalini in Sahaja Yoga

The raising of the Kundalini manifests a spontaneous power of tuning in. She grants integration and redemption, the Holy Ghost within. We indeed have walked through the secret passage to the other side of the screen of our existence. The potential unfolds, the mechanism is found, the divide between man and God is crossed. Because, in the last analaysis, the oldest love story is between Him and us. Lao Tzu spoke of ‘The Way’, Confucius of ‘The Path’, Shri Krishna, of yoga, Christ, of the second birth. When we can go more fully into the state of thoughtless awareness, or Nirvichara Samadhi, after some deepening practice of Sahaja meditation, we realize that the state of Being is accessible. The opening of the last chakra opens to us the bliss of pure freedom, without limitation of any kind. When we love, we know, and by manifesting the Kundalini, He gave us, through His compassion, the way of knowing. The oldest love story in the world is between God and His creation.

Gregoire de Kalbermatten writing about Sahaja Yoga in The Third Advent. Camberwell: Penguin Group, 2003. P. 308.

(Graphic: www.sahajayoga.ca)




Before we came to Mother’s side
We felt knowledge was the key
To unfolding all the mysteries
Of life to set us free.

Now we know that ego’s trap
Ensnares our wisdom, and yet
We still attempt to solve it all
By falling further into the net!

It is only through surrender
To the Great Intelligence
That we come to understand
The Divine, Authentic Sense.

God is Knowledge: God is Love.
The truth is there to see
As long as we acknowledge
That wondrous symmetry.

Melody Anderson

Theatre of Eternal Values production                                                                                                           William William Blake is recognised in Sahaja Yoga as a great realised soul. It is very fitting, then, that a very talented theatre group made up of Sahaja yogis was involved in developing and presenting a play about William Blake, to celebrate the 250th Anniversary of William Blake’s birth.

From November 20 to December 2, 2007, the international theatre company, Theatre of Eternal Values, performed William Blake’s Divine Humanity at the New Players Theatre in London, UK, in the very heart of the country where Blake took his birth – and a stone’s throw away from Fountain Court near the Strand where he spent the last years of his life.

The press wrote:

“With Blake’s beautiful words and the supple and constrained movements of the cast, the Theatre of Eternal Values enact a series of tableaux based on Blake’s etchings, as well as using his work to elaborate on the poet’s life. This piece is a loving and sophisticated work created to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Blake’s birth.”
UK Theatre. Net – December 2007
Sara-Mae Tuson

“It was always going to be a theatrical challenge, as writer Tim Bruce says of attempting to do justice to the complexity of Blake’s works, and the Theatre of Eternal Values rose beautifully to it, presenting a wonderfully lyrical production of William Blake’s Divine Humanity.

“The beautiful voice and narration of The Bard set a quiet, centred, yet dramatic tone to the play, and gave it an unhurried meditative quality, in which Blake’s visionary message was brought alive. The performance drew the audience in from the beginning, and invited reflection on Blake as a mystic poet, and on how relevant his work still is, 250 years later. The fact that this play is being performed in the heart of London, the city in which Blake spent his life, and one that embodies many of the materialistic capitalist values Blake spoke out against through his work, makes it all the more relevant.”
Extra Extra – November 2007
Marion Drew

This is the first time that Blake’s prophetic books have been performed on stage. Here the story of Jerusalem is set against the background of Blake’s masterly engravings from The Book of Job and interspersed with key moments in Blake’s life, incorporating original music and contemporary dance.

The play has evolved over one and a half years in a series of collective workshops in Cabella (Italy), London (UK), Vienna (Austria) and Everbeek (Belgium) and is the culmination of the creative talents of many people from twelve countries: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, India, Italy, Spain, UK.

It will be possible to see a live performance of William Blake’s Divine Humanity in various countries in 2008 or to purchase a DVD (estimated release date: May 2008).

Log on to the Theatre of Eternal Values website regularly (http://www.theatreofeternalvalues.com), and check the News section to find out more information.

(Photograph: http://www.theatreofeternalvalues.com)

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