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Republic Day, India


On the 26th January 2008, the whole of India celebrated the 59th Republic Day to commemorate the day on which India gained independence as a nation. This day is also Australia Day which commemorates the founding of Australia.

As early as 7 o’clock in the morning, people started gathering in the front garden at Pratishthan, Shri Mataji’s home near Pune. There were children holding Indian flags of all sizes according to their own size, ladies wearing beautiful saris, military officers and policemen, all in a mood of celebration for this official and joyful occasion.

At 9 o’clock, about 1000 people were waiting in a beautiful setting, specially prepared to receive Shri Mataji and Her husband, Sir CP Srivastava.

The program began by the unfurling of the National Flag by Shri Mataji. The National Anthem was sung with great fervour and respect by the Sahaja Yogis present.

The children then danced to patriotic songs. Shri Mataji appreciated and enjoyed the performances very much and was smiling almost throughout the performances.

Russian Sahaja Yogis who were visiting Pune joined their Indian brothers and sisters in celebrating the Indian Republic Day. They offered their respects to Shri Mataji in the form of a bhajan (devotional song). Everyone present on the lawns enjoyed the performances  by the Pune Bhajan group as well as the bhajan by the Russians.

Sir CP addressed the group and congratulated everyone on the occasion of the Republic Day. He recollected the occasion when India had gained its independence and mentioned that Shri Mataji had requested him then to serve his country whole-heartedly. He talked about the importance of Sahaja Yoga and the message of Shri Mataji to the world. He also said, on behalf of Shri Mataji, that She was very happy, Her heart rejoicing, and very pleased.

The picture above shows Shri Mataji and Her husband, Sir CP, enjoying the Republic Day celebrations in Pratisthan.

Ashram of the Spirit

(Ocean of Divine Love)

The only divinely pure ashram
Is The Ashram of The Spirit
The only divinely real ashram
Is The Ocean of Divine Love
The only ashram full of compassion
Is The Heart of The Spirit
The only ashram of unconditional forgiveness
Is The Ashram of Pure Divine Love
Let us join The Ashram of The Spirit
Let us dissolve our Self-Spirits in IT
 Let us integrate in the only collective
Collective designed by The LORD
 Collective only of Love, Joy, and Peace
Where we are a part and parcel of The Whole

Veni Grig

The next One-day Sahaja Yoga Meditation Workshop in Sydney will be held on Sunday 30 November, 2008. 
You are invited to attend this Workshop which is suitable for both regulars and beginners. Everyone can learn this simple technique and experience the peace and joy of true meditation. 

Topics to be covered in the Workshop include how to meditate, clearing the chakras, mantras to assist meditation, techniques to reduce stress and tips on how to meditate at home.

Sunday 30 November, 2008
10.00am to 4.00pm (Doors open 9.30am)
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre
10 Clarence Street, Burwood, Sydney
(short walk south of Burwood Railway Station) 
Workshop cost:  FREE! 
Meals and materials:  Lunch, morning tea and workshop materials will be provided at a small cost. ($5 by donation at the door).  

If you would like to attend, please email us indicating the number of people wishing to attend, so that we know how many people to cater for. Email your details to: workshop@freemeditation.com

We hope to see you there!

On Sunday 23 December 2007 Shri Mataji blessed the Sahaja Yoga International Health Centre (Vashi hospital) at Belapur with a short visit. She greeted members of the staff with a beautiful smile as She arrived in the courtyard, which was decorated with rangoli (artistic designs created on the ground out of coloured powder). In the hallway were flowers and more flowers to welcome our Holy Mother.

Shri Mataji wanted to go straight into the large meditation room. It was initially very hot and we sang a bhajan. She was offered something to drink and She looked at the ceiling and asked for the fans to be turned off. Then everyone was asked to go back a bit to give Shri Mataji some air.

She was asked if She would like to go upstairs to rest and Shri Mataji said, “No.” She instead looked at the room, asked if the Sahaja Yogis wanted vibrations and then asked everyone to put their hands out. Everyone in the room did and She did as well. Then Shri Mataji looked at the room with Her love and everybody felt amazing vibrations. Shri Mataji asked, “Do you feel cool vibrations on your palms?” and all the Sahaja Yogis answered, “Yes,” and raised their hands. Dr Sandeep Rai said to the people, “Say it louder if you felt them,” and the whole room said, “Yes.”

Shri Mataji asked what diseases the patient had and Dr Madhur Rai told Shri Mataji about all the various diseases which had been cured. Shri Mataji asked what treatment was given for cancer. She asked how many patients were there and Dr Madhur said about eighty-five to ninety.

Dr Sandeep spoke about a possible extension to the building. Then Shri Mataji asked from where the patients came and Dr Sandeep Rai turned and asked what countries the Sahaja Yogis came from and the people started calling out their countries – Ukraine, Finland, USA, Turkey, etc.

All the Sahaja Yoga doctors who work at the Health Centre were present for Shri Mataji and She praised all the people working there for their good work.

After some time, Shri Mataji left for Pune and we all felt that bubbling joy and peace, which Shri Mataji always blesses us with when we are in Her presence, as well as a tremendous gratitude to Her for coming to see us.

The staff, doctors and workers here did a wonderful job of making the Health Centre look so beautiful to welcome Shri Mataji and She was smiling so much.

Natalia and others from San Diego

The photograph (courtesy of eugena.com.hk) shows Sahaja Yogis at the Sahaja Yoga International Health Centre at Belapur, near Mumbai, India.

Totality of Love

Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga

(Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga)

We have within us a being which I call the spirit – the spirit, which is also part and parcel of the totality that is love, totality that is God, totality that is joy, totality that is knowledge. And that spirit within us is watching us. It is not watching like a guard or a police inspector. That also, we human beings cannot understand….

 The spirit is the one that is love. Can you understand total love? Can you understand something that just gives and enjoys giving and not asking for anything? Can you understand someone like that? Can you? Loving for love’s sake, that’s what is your spirit. It is watching you with that love, that total love.

That totality of love is watching you to give you that what it is. Now here, I would say you are the spirit and you are this Self. Another one, which is this awareness, is this human awareness which you have got. This human awareness has to be enlightened by that totality, that spirit. When it enlightens that, then only, you know that you are a part and parcel of the totality and that you are beautiful, you are really beautiful.

There’s some times one feels a little bashful to know how beautiful one is and so fragrant and so grand and so dignified. That new dimension one has to understand….

To understand the totality of love, total love, you have to know that these are all just flecks. The ocean, the oceans of oceans of love will wash off these specks in no time, but have faith in yourself, that’s all. Have faith in yourself. After all, you are human beings.

Shri Mataji, 1980

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