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My Heart Was Like the Sun

Sahaja Yoga founder, Shri MatajiIt was my first India tour, in the eighties, and I was one year in Sahaja Yoga. I was in quite a bad state and had a lot of pain in my Centre Heart. There was a procession in Vaitarna, but I was not at all in the mood for it. Everybody was dancing, there was music and Shri Mataji was [riding] in a bullock cart. I was walking at the side, and in my heart was saying, “I’m sorry, Shri Mataji, I can’t dance because I am in too much pain.” Then we went to a programme in the village where Shri Mataji gave realization and everybody could go and do namaskar [a mark of respect] to her. At the end I went there and did namaskar too, and Shri Mataji just put Her hand on my Centre Heart.

“Good!” She said, and at that moment my heart just opened, just exploded, so much that I have never felt like that. It was as if my heart was like the sun, radiating one kilometre and it was a huge experience. I knew my vibrations were not so good, but Shri Mataji said, “Good!” and opened my heart. Afterwards I went away and cried a little because it was so strong, and only Shri Mataji knew what was my state and what I needed.

Trupta de Graaf

From: Eternally Inspiring Recollections of Our Holy Mother. Volume 1 – Stories from India. Pune: Nirmal Infosystems & Technologies, 2006, pp 65-66.



Part of the Cosmos
Part of the Cosmos

I am not my mind.
I am not my ego, so vain.
I am not my body
With all its passions and pains.

I am not my profession,
Nor inspiration, nor art.
I am not all these things –
This I feel in my heart.

I am bathing in Cosmic rays
In Eternal Love of God
I am only Pure Spirit –
Nothing else in the World.

Vladimir Mikhanovsky

Vladimir Mikhanovsky. Hope Faith Love: The Road to God. Pune, India: Nirmal Transformation, 2007.

(Photograph: NASA, Hubble telescope)

This Is the Truth

(Shri Mataji)

(Shri Mataji)

The Divine has nothing to gain from you.

Truth has nothing to gain from you.

Truth stands on its own glory, in its dignity

It doeasn’t need anything from you, does it?

What can you do to adorn it? What can you put on that?

What can you give to that? How can you add to that?

It’s only you who is adorned. It is only you who gain it.

If you get the truth, it is you who has been enlightened.

It is not the truth that is going to receive anything from you, is it?

If that is your idea, then you are sadly mistaken.

You cannot pay fror truth. Truth is there.

It is there. Reality is there. How can you pay for it?

You must know that you are seekers. You have to get it and establish it within yourselves.

This is the truth: that you are made as an instrument of God’s power

and now you will be connected to the mains by His powers only, by His divine love

and the power will start flowing through you.

You will be manifesting that power through your spirit and you will see for yourself and enjoy that.

Shri Mataji, 1981

Sahaja Yoga Philosophy



The philosophy of Sahaja Yoga is extremely simple. It is the simplest of all philosophies you can think of. It is a very simple philosophy. It is that once you get your Realisation you start feeling for the first time the all-pervading power and forget everything else. Once you get that feeling of the all-pervading power, only you know how to manoeuvre it, how to work it out and how to use it for your own growth. It is made easy. It has to be, as it is the most vital force that has to take place in the realm of spirituality….

The grace of God is so great that, once you get your Realisation, you become such a different person that everything drops out. You are really a transformed personality and so that one should know whatever is the past is finished now. It is no more there. The egg is finished. It is the bird. And whom to blame, whom to talk about that the bird is there? Now let the bird find its own wings and fly. Once you understand this simple thing of Sahaja Yoga – it is that we have to make everyone feel the all-pervading power of God to begin with. Unless and until they have felt it, we have not to accept them as realised souls. They have to feel it….

Understand that wisdom is higher than intellect and discretion is higher than debating. Take a very kind and compassionate attitude towards the rest of the people and then work it out that they should, somehow or other, feel this subtle force of God’s love.

Shri Mataji, 1983

(Photograph: 248am.com)

Shri Mataji, Founder of Sahaja Yoga

So we come to the subtler side. And the subtler side of Sahaja Yoga is extremely simple. Is Compassion. Is Forgiveness. Is Love.

 But the greatest of all is the Service to God.

We are doing the work of God. How can we be tired?

The dynamic is flowing through us, that Compassion is so fulfilling, that love is so beautifying, that how can we not do it?

 We should run to do it.

 But you have to know that this love has a tremendous urge within itself.

Shri Mataji, 1984

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