The brain must be used to understand clearly what are the ideals of a Sahaja Yogi, what are the things that a Sahaja Yogi should do, how he should behave in life, what methods he should follow. And then he has to bring it to his heart, through the meditative processes, through surrendering. How I give you second birth you know very well. I conceive you in My Heart, otherwise I cannot do it. Because My Heart is so pure, it cleanses you. By compassion, My Love cleanses you and then I can take you out of My Sahasrara … And when that has happened, you become a new personality.
(Shri Mataji, Diwali Puja, 1983)
Let us establish within ourself, on a subtle level, the desire to be pure and to be cleansed out – all the barriers and unclean things that are within us – to desire to be great Sahaja Yogis, desire to be responsible Sahaja Yogis and desire to be surrendered to your Mother. It’s not difficult.
The last one is the easiest because … I don’t want anything from you, except that you accept My Love. Surrendering just means you open your heart to accept My Love. Give up this ego – that’s all – and it will work out. I’m sure it’s going to work out.
(Shri Mataji, Shri Mahakali Puja, 1982)
A certain amount of understanding should be there and you must feel My Love in your heart, that’s all. I don’t want to make anybody unhappy. Sahaja Yoga has come to make you extremely happy, joyous and peaceful.Â
(Shri Mataji, 17 December 1988)
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The joy of giving Realisation! It was to be found in abundant supply at the Mind, Body and Spirit Festival at Melbourne Exhibition Centre held over the election weekend in November 2007. Mother’s magnetic charm again won the hearts as seekers flocked in their droves to the Sahaja Yoga stall.
The flavour of the Festival was surprisingly mainstream, with many families and ordinary working folk making the pilgrimage. Beset from all sides by charmers, soothsayers and all manner of charlatans, seekers plotted a course through the maze of flashing lights and gimmicks. The Sahaja Yoga stall stood like a beacon emitting waves of Shri Mataji’s love to which so many souls were drawn.
At times the Sahaja Yogis could barely keep up, such was the interest created by the fascinating sight of our brothers and sisters raising Kundalini after Kundalini, with many people having to wait their turn for the Divine introduction to our sweet Mother.
There is no doubt the festival was a battleground. War was being waged on a subtle level for the hearts and souls of these seekers whose ranks have swelled tremendously in number. Yes, the negativity was also well-represented. The negativity, however, was no match for the heavenly radiance of Shri Mataji and Her soldiers of God.
Many thanks to all the Sahaja Yogis who gave their time and effort. All will testify to the awesome spiritual recharge received from giving hundreds of people their Realisation, some of whom have attended our subsequent public programmes. The joy bestowed upon every Sahaja Yogi from the beaming smiles and glowing faces of the newly realised was the rich dividend of acting as an instrument of Shri Mataji’s love.
Simon Lovegrove
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The Russian Music Group has been helping spread Sahaja Yoga in Israel. For the last two weeks, the Israeli collective was blessed with Nirmal Naad (Russia) visit. It was one of the most wonderful periods we had as Sahaja yogis here. All people were working together to fulfil this great task. Everyone did his/her part to make all the pieces of the puzzle be in the right place.
We managed to organise 12 public concerts throughout the country from north to south. The group also gave an interview and performed on a TV channel. Many Israelis attended the concerts and now we can already see the first results of the tour. There are phone calls from people in several cities, asking about follow-ups. We are told that people describe for those who did not attend the concerts how impressive the concerts were. In one town, a woman brought flowers to a follow-up program.
We also have been contacted by a new Centre of Yoga which expressed the desire to invite Nirmal Naad to perform at the felicitation ceremony in the Centre. Although it was too late for Nirmal Naad, we are going to present Sahaja Yoga there; the Centre might be able to attract real seekers. The musicians’ dedication, talent, creativity and spontaneity made the public feel the joy and pure vibrations of Sahaj music. They worked really hard to achieve this and we are really grateful for that.
On behalf of the whole Israeli collective, I want to thank all the brothers and sisters in Russia for the commitment and support given to this precious event by sending here such great musicians and yogis!
Valentin Popa, Israel
To listen to a music item from the concert, click on the following link:
 Nirmal Naad in concert in IsraelÂ
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So just now one has to accept that to be like the Mother Earth we have to be forbearing – dhara. She is the sustenance of everything, she takes everything, the vibrations are sucked in. And now for the first time, after realisation you can give her back what you have got it from her. You can give vibrations to her trees that are created; you can make them beautiful. You can transform a flower into a more beautiful flower. Now whatever you have to give, what you have got from the Mother Earth you can give, because your Mother Earth is awakened within you now. So you return her back everything that you got from her and give it to others: generosity, the greatness of heart, nobility, forgiveness, love, affection, bearing everything for love ….
So this is what one has to develop now, whether you are men or women: as Sahaja yogis you must develop a new consciousness of affection, love and compassion.
Shri Mataji, 1983
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Sahaja Yoga Queensland cordially invites you to a free meditation seminar.
When:Â Saturday 28 March, 2009
Where: Sahaja Yoga Centre, Wamuran Queensland
(60 minutes north of Brisbane)
The seminar will be held at the Sahaja Yoga country property at 95 McClintock Road, Wamuran, Queensland. Wamuran is west of Caboolture and about 60 km north of Brisbane.
The seminar will start at 2.00 pm and conclude about 5.30 pm followed by dinner. There are no costs or payments required for your attendance.
Please feel free to come, even if you have never meditated before.
Seminar program
2:00 – 2:30pm: Arrival and refreshments
2:30 – 3:00pm: Introduction to meditation
3:00 – 4:00pm: Clearing techniques to improve your meditation
4:00 – 4:20pm: Video lecture from Shri Mataji (founder of Sahaja Yoga)
4:20 – 5:15pm: Meditation and live music
5.30pm: Dinner
Directions to Wamuran
From the M1 motorway, take the Kilcoy exit and proceed along D’aguilar Hwy until reaching Wamuran. Opposite the IGA store, turn right and then right again into Station Rd. Turn left at the small roundabout into Newlands Rd for approximately 3km, then left into Patane Rd which leads to McClintock Rd. Number 95 is just over the top of the hill on the left.
Plan to attend? For planning purposes, please email us at syqld@bigpond.com if you’d like to come along.
We sincerely hope you are able to attend this relaxing and informative event.
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