The following story is from a book of recollections of Sahaja yogis throughout the world of experiences they had while with Shri Mataji in India.
“This was around 1990. Shri Mataji was arriving in Mumbai one day and we were getting ready to go and welcome Her. My wife had had a dream the night before, of Shri Mataji sitting in our car. My wife advised me to clean our car in case Shri Mataji would need to use it. It was untidy and all kinds of marketing tools were on the rear seat. Knowing that Shri Mataji would not be invited to sit in such a car, given the protocol for showing Her respect and love, a good clean car was required, decorated with a nice cloth and some flowers. Because of this I felt She could not possibly choose my car, and off we drove to the airport.
However, like in my wife’s dream, it so happened that Shri Mataji’s daughter, Kalpana, was unable to come and welcome Her, and to my great astonishment somebody walked straight up to me and requested me to take Shri Mataji in my car. I did my best to adjust the back seat as fast as I could and made sure all the business stuff was put in the boot in a few seconds. Then Shri Mataji came and sat in the car.
“Ah, you have a nice car!” She declared, smiling.
S B Singh
From Eternally Inspiring Recollections of Our Holy Mother , Vol 1, Stories from India. Pune: Nirmal Infosystems & Technologies, 2006. P. 114-5.
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The brain must be used to understand clearly what are the ideals of a Sahaja Yogi, what are the things that a Sahaja Yogi should do, how he should behave in life, what methods he should follow. And then he has to bring it to his heart, through the meditative processes, through surrendering. How I give you second birth you know very well. I conceive you in My Heart, otherwise I cannot do it. Because My Heart is so pure, it cleanses you. By compassion, My Love cleanses you and then I can take you out of My Sahasrara … And when that has happened, you become a new personality.
(Shri Mataji, Diwali Puja, 1983)
Let us establish within ourself, on a subtle level, the desire to be pure and to be cleansed out – all the barriers and unclean things that are within us – to desire to be great Sahaja Yogis, desire to be responsible Sahaja Yogis and desire to be surrendered to your Mother. It’s not difficult.
The last one is the easiest because … I don’t want anything from you, except that you accept My Love. Surrendering just means you open your heart to accept My Love. Give up this ego – that’s all – and it will work out. I’m sure it’s going to work out.
(Shri Mataji, Shri Mahakali Puja, 1982)
A certain amount of understanding should be there and you must feel My Love in your heart, that’s all. I don’t want to make anybody unhappy. Sahaja Yoga has come to make you extremely happy, joyous and peaceful.Â
(Shri Mataji, 17 December 1988)
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Shri Mataji’s 85th Birthday will be held at Easter time on Good Friday (21 March 2008) at Her birthplace, Chindwara, in Central India.
The picture shows the house in Chindawara in which Sri Mataji was born. The house has been purchased by Sahaja Yogis and is now being lovingly restored.
 Shri Mataji is very humble about Her birthday. In 1997 She said:
“I will be very happy to celebrate your birthday than to celebrate Mine. So, may God bless you.”
 Lori Wills, a Sahaja Yogi from Vancouver, Canada, had some special thoughts about Shri Mataji’s 85th birthday:
“Somehow I had the urge to check the calendar to see when Easter is this year. Can you imagine? Good Friday is March 21st!
Also, we had just learnt that Shri Mataji’s 85th birthday celebration and Puja will be held at Her birthplace in Chindwara, in Central India. That weekend will then be, according to Christian beliefs, Good Friday, symbolising the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and Easter Sunday, symbolising His resurrection. So we will celebrate HER 85th birthday in HER birthplace on Easter weekend! Is this a Divine coincidence? The combination of these events will certainly make for global celebration at many levels.”
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Shri Ganesha
But now that you are realised, you can understand that by the power of Shri Ganesha’s name you can get your Realisation. By taking His name alone, any disease or any pain will disappear. He is eternal. He is always present within us. When you get your Realisation, you can feel Him. And if you are not realised, you cannot understand Him. That is why people get misled and do wrong things.
 But with Shri Ganesha’s blessings you can do so many things and neither will you feel greedy, nor will you have any problems because He does all the work for you. He takes care of you. Though He is a little boy, He looks after you. Shri Ganesha is a very great power by which so much work is getting done. For me, He is the purest and my own.
Shri Mataji, speaking on the occasion of Shri Ganesha’s birthday, 2008
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What is Sahaja Yoga?
It is the right of every seeker to have this connection with the Divine. This you are doing in your own right, no doubt. There I cannot challenge your right. It’s your right.
Say, for example, in a government it’s decided that all those people under sixteen must be given five pounds each. All right, as long as you are under sixteen, you have a right and the governments will see to it that they fulfil that promise.
In the same way, you are promised in the modern times, all those who will ask for Realisation will be granted.
What a promise to make – just imagine! And you use Me for that purpose – or Sahaja Yogis for that purpose … The time has come and I have to give you Realisation …
But if nobody asks, the government won’t go back to them and tell them, “Now, please have it, we beg of you. We fall at your feet …”
If you think you have the right, then you must assume also the power of the spirit within you. You have to keep your attention to your spirit …
People don’t understand how we’ve done it. We have because the spirit is the dynamism within us. It is the thing like one diamond – which is put in a ring and embedded in the soil, saved permanently just to keep it out of problems – is suddenly discovered.
And that’s why it is all we seek. The basis of all our existence is nothing but our spirit. That’s the basis. That’s the adhara [support]. That’s the support. And to us, it should be a special blessing.
Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga, 1980
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